New singers welcome anytime!
Spring Term March through June…
choir begins March 12 & 13…come sing with us!
Join us in person at the well-ventilated, lovely UUCGT (6726 Center Road, base of Old Mission Peninsula), and/or on Zoom Wednesdays 12 – 1:45 p.m. and Thursdays 6:30 – 8:15 p.m. Pick one, come to both, or mix and match as fits your schedule.
Click here for our registration page with all the details!
Click here for your own ZOOM link for all Spring Term sessions.
Fee Options:
Full session …$150
Early-bird discount paid/postmarked by March 7…$130
Sliding scale as needed…just indicate in the “Notes” section at the bottom of the registration sheet, or email, or text/call 503-422-6515.
You can pay by check (see snail mail address below) or online using PayPal.
If paying by check, send to:
Heather Kingham/TC Sings!
7670 E Shore Rd
Traverse City, MI 49686
For PayPal registration, use and enter your early-bird discount amount of $130 if you are registering by March 7, or $150 if you are registering after.