Register for choir

New singers welcome anytime!

Join us in person at the well-ventilated, lovely UUCGT (6726 Center Road, base of Old Mission Peninsula), and/or on Zoom Wednesdays 12 – 1:45 p.m. and Thursdays 6:30 – 8:15 p.m. Pick one, come to both, or mix and match as fits your schedule.

Click here for your own ZOOM link for all Spring Term sessions.

Fee Options:
Full session …$150
Early-bird discount paid/postmarked by March 7…$130

Sliding scale as needed…just indicate in the “Notes” section at the bottom of the registration sheet, or email, or text/call 503-422-6515.

You can pay by check (see snail mail address below) or online using PayPal. 

If paying by check, send to:
Heather Kingham/TC Sings!
7670 E Shore Rd
Traverse City, MI 49686

For PayPal registration, use and enter your early-bird discount amount of $130 if you are registering by March 7, or $150 if you are registering after.

I look forward to singing with you!